As an editor, it`s important to understand the finer points of grammar, and one of the most important aspects of Italian grammar is adjective agreement. Adjective agreement refers to the way in which adjectives change depending on the gender and number of the noun they modify.

In Italian, adjectives typically come after the noun they modify, unlike in English where adjectives come before the noun. This means that the adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Let`s take a look at some examples.

Gender Agreement

Italian nouns are either masculine or feminine, and adjectives must agree in gender with the noun they modify. For example, if we have the masculine noun “gatto” (cat) and we want to describe it as “beautiful,” we use the masculine form of the adjective “bello.” So, we would say “Il gatto è bello” (The cat is beautiful).

If the noun were feminine, such as “casa” (house), we would use the feminine form of the adjective “bella.” So, we would say “La casa è bella” (The house is beautiful).

Number Agreement

Italian nouns can be singular or plural, and adjectives must also agree in number with the noun they modify. For example, if we have the plural noun “gatti” (cats) and we want to describe them as “beautiful,” we use the plural form of the adjective “belli.” So, we would say “I gatti sono belli” (The cats are beautiful).

If the noun were singular, such as “gatto” (cat), we would use the singular form of the adjective “bello.” So, we would say “Il gatto è bello” (The cat is beautiful).


There are some exceptions to the rules of adjective agreement in Italian. For example, there are some adjectives that don`t change at all, regardless of the gender or number of the noun they modify. These include adjectives such as “marrone” (brown), “verde” (green), and “grigio” (grey).

There are also some adjectives that change in a different way, such as “buono” (good) and “brutto” (ugly). These adjectives have different forms for masculine and feminine nouns, but the plural form is the same for both genders.


Adjective agreement is an important aspect of Italian grammar that can be challenging to master. As a copy editor, it`s important to understand the rules of adjective agreement in order to ensure that written content is accurate and grammatically correct. By following the rules outlined above, you can ensure that your writing reflects proper Italian grammar and is engaging for readers.

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