Fixed Base Operator Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to aviation, Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of airports. An FBO is a private enterprise that provides essential services to aircraft operators and passengers, such as fueling, hangaring, and maintenance. In exchange for these services, FBOs typically require operators to sign a Fixed Base Operator Agreement (FBO Agreement).

An FBO Agreement is a contract between the FBO and the aircraft operator that outlines the terms and conditions of the services being provided. This agreement can vary depending on the FBO, the airport, and the type of aircraft being serviced. However, there are some key provisions that are typically included in most FBO Agreements.

Services Provided

The FBO Agreement should clearly outline the services being provided by the FBO. These services may include fueling, ramp services, aircraft parking, maintenance, and rental of hangar space. The agreement should also specify the hours of operation and any additional fees for after-hours services.


The FBO Agreement should also outline the pricing for the services being provided. This may include fuel prices, hangar rental fees, and any additional charges for services such as deicing or lavatory services. The agreement should also specify the payment and billing terms, including any late fees or penalties.


The FBO Agreement should address liability issues, including who is responsible for any damage to the aircraft while it is on the FBO’s property. The agreement should also specify the insurance coverage required for the aircraft and any liability insurance required by the FBO.


The FBO Agreement should detail the process for termination of the agreement by either party. This may include notice requirements, penalties for early termination, and any refunds or deposits that may be owed.


The FBO Agreement should outline any applicable federal, state, or local regulations that the FBO and the aircraft operator must comply with. This may include environmental regulations, safety regulations, and security requirements.


Overall, a Fixed Base Operator Agreement is a critical document for both FBOs and aircraft operators. It is important that both parties carefully review and understand the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement to ensure a successful and safe operation. By outlining the services, pricing, liability, termination, and compliance requirements, both parties can work together to navigate the complex world of aviation.

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